Chapter 7. Essence of saving and copying operations

Nikolay (unDEFER) Krivchenkov


The article tries to open true sense and destination of such habitual operations as copying and saving.

And so what does occur when user saves a document? Actually document saving is copying. The document information already is in memory and-or in hard disk cache, and at saving it copy this information on a hard disk. Then the user is sure that he can find this document in that kind in which he has save it.

Unfortunately in the concept of the modern interface saving still means erasing information about previous version of the document which also before saved by user in hope to find it later in the same kind. That is why saving operation in the concept unDE will be replaced with "synchronisation" operation. Synchronisation means dump cache on a hard disk. It will guarantee that the current version of the document also is saved on a disk (as well as all previous) and can be read again even if system falls at the next moment.

However even without synchronisation if work of system is not interrupted with fault, all information will appear sooner or later on a disk that is why in itself operation of synchronisation is not necessary, but matters "labels" of versions useful to the author.

Also the unDE concept assumes absence of necessity to save web page or other files received from Internet. It is obvious that all that user can see on the screen or hear through the speakers is in his/her system, and this simple thought should work not only in the theory, but also in practice.

Replacement of saving operation by synchronisation, simultaneously, solves a problem of a duality of copying purpose. Copying can be used in modern systems for the next purposes:

  1. Reserving.
  2. Saving the previous version of the document.
  3. For creation of a copy of the document accessible with other path (i.e. instead of link creation).

Anyway in the unDE concept the real copying will be used only in case of reserving (copying on other data carrier). In cases 2 and 3 instead of copying linking to the concrete version of the document or linking to the last version of the document will be used. That in turn will reduce space used by data, but also will help to find easily all previous versions of the document, without recollecting where they could be put.

Strictly speaking, the unDE concept should allow to track a full document life cycle which includes:

  1. Receiving of the file from external sources with saving link to the source or file creating in system.
  2. Document changes locally.
  3. Transfer of the document to other sources.
  4. Receiving of the new document version and the further repetition of items 2 and 3 is possible.
  5. Document removal. Logo