Chapter 15. Fundamental nature of knowledge

Nikolay (unDEFER) Krivchenkov


Why users do not like to read the documentation? Why users often are not ready to study computer literacy? We will try to respond to these and other questions in this article.

In general the primary goal of any computer user is a fast reaching of a purpose. Anyway reading of the volume documentation is included seldom into his/her schedules. Besides, as it has already been noticed in article "Whether the help system is effective?" the help system often does not contain information that is necessary for the user.

But why the user does not wish to be trained in computer literacy? After all, say, knowing the theory about network connections, do much easier to customise computer connection to the Internet. And it is fair for any interface (Windows or Unix-like).

To answer this question, we will ask another. And whether the theory coincides with practice? Whether is knowledge of the theory enough to achieve result in practice? And whether the theory knowledge is necessary for this purpose? The answer to all these questions: "No!".

Actually in the theory of local computer networks it is possible to learn what is ip-address and set of details about protocols on which computers communicate in a network. But to setup the local computer network, for example in Windows, it is necessary to know at all other. For this purpose it is necessary to know what buttons and in what sequence to press, and what numbers into what input fields to enter. All of this can be made at all without the theory knowing.

Friendly way the documentation should contain fundamental knowledge which at the same time should be enough for result reaching. To make this possible, it is necessary that the computer understand commands like "enter into a local network with ip-address and subnet mask". I.e. such commands which the user can enter with the theory knowledge.

Only then when all these conditions will be fulfilled, knowledge necessary to use computer becomes fundamental. It means that they can train freely even at school and to be assured that they for certain will be useful to pupils even in 15 years when 5th version of the operating system will be replaced already.

Also can be then the system administrators dream will come true - all users become computer-literate and they will not ask more "what the window with a red cross have appeared on the screen".

In unDE we will try to be guided by this principle of fundamental nature of knowledge. In the documentation at first there must be fundamental things which will be useful to operation with the unDE interface and after 10 years of project development. And unDE will understand such commands which you can enter with exclusively fundamental knowledge. Logo